Wayne Stack
Managing Consultant
Wayne has more than 40 years of experience in wireless communications systems. Wayne has public safety radio system design, engineering, and development experience with expertise in VHF, UHF, 800 MHz conventional, and 700/800 MHz trunked in the following areas: analog and digital radio systems; mobile data systems; P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 radio systems; radio system propagation, and radio system coverage analysis and performance testing.
Wayne’s experience includes planning, design, and implementation of communications systems; development of budgets and specifications; bid evaluation and contract negotiation; vendor oversight; schedule development and adherence; acceptance testing; site acquisition; training; contract change management, project management, and business region management.
Wayne has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (Electronics) from California State University, and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University. He is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional, and holds a permanent Federal Communications Commission General Radiotelephone Operator’s License.